Race “Startrek”: whom we will see (or will not see) in “Startre: Infinity”

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" Star path "Is one of the most popular fantastic franchises in the world, characteristic of high scientific and reasonable humanism. Six television series, twelve full -length films, many games and books tell the story of several generations of mankind, published into space and met there with other reasonable races.

This year " Star path "Fils for half a century, and for this occasion, director Justin Lin and producer J. J. Abrams was shot according to the script of Simon Peggy Film " Starting: Infinity "(Star Trek Beyond), based on the series of the same name Gin Roddenberry and continues" Starter: Retribution »The same Abrams. A new picture will appear on Russian screens just the other day – July 21, 2016.

In 2009, Abrams logically and quite skillfully restarted Star Trek, and everything in the new alternative universe immediately went awry. Whether we will see local Borgs someday? And Ferengi? It is difficult to say, but, apparently, Beyond will be dedicated to some fundamentally new race, albeit slightly reminiscent of one of the races of dominion.

Today we are returning to that, old universe and recall all the key races of the "Star Way". Who knows, maybe we will still see them in the new film? Or in the series, which is scheduled for 2017? One way or another – get acquainted!

United Planet Federation

► Coat of arms of the Federation.

In the middle of the XXII century, earthlings turned out to be the only force capable of reconciling and uniting the alpha alpha Milky Way scattered in the views of the race scattered in the views of the race of the Rasty of the Afadrant.

The federation, which has spread to hundreds of light years, has become the embodiment of humanity of mankind about peace, cooperation and mutual respect. It included hundreds of races, dozens of reasonable species entered into peace treaties and cooperation agreements. The Federation is the unification of independent races and planets for the benefit of joint trade, research, scientific and cultural development, diplomatic surveys and protection.


Natives of the planet of Anderia (self -name – Phoezoan). The only race of the federation that combines the features of mammals and insects. The eyes of the Andorians see everyone in black and white, but color blindness compensates for two antennae on the crown, capturing electromagnetic waves of visible and infrared ranges. Andorians are distinguished by a careful attitude to nature and, unlike many other cultures, avoided environmental devastation.


This once flourished race is currently very far behind technically. Bajor was captured by Kardassia in 2329 and remained a colony until the victory of the Bajora Resistance in 2369. The Federation helped restore the tormented world. Bajor is known for its orbital station “Deep Cosmos-9”, transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federation, as well as the pole of the black hole that is nearby.


The main difference between betasoids and earthlings is that they come from the planet Betazed. Otherwise, the difference is very small, these two species can even cross and produce healthy offspring without any genetic tricks.

Betasoids are a race of peaceful philosophers who will rather observe than to act, but they will not take up weapons even for self -defense. Almost all betazoids from the birth of telepaths use it only to communicate with other races.


Humanoid race, outwardly similar to earthlings. Their native world of the Volcano (self -name – T’hashi) is located in twelve light years from the Earth and is distinguished by severe natural conditions. Increased gravity and tectonic activity, as well as a lack of water resources, have formed a hardy race, which in many ways exceeds other inhabitants of the galaxy. The planet is poor in iron, but rich in copper, so the blood circulation of the Vulcan is based on copper, and their blood is green.

The philosophy of the Vulcans is tied to logical thinking and suppression of emotions. Early researchers even believed that T’hashi inhabitants were completely deprived of feelings. To suppress emotions, the Vulcans use the Colinar technique, which is a harsh training program.

The fundamental principle of volcano philosophy is “endless variety in endless combinations”. Vulcans are distinguished by restraint and peacefulness. The most important role in the formation of the modern culture of the Vulcans was played by the ancient leader Surak: it was he who created the Colinar technique and ensured that the world reigned on his native planet.


Humanoids from the Delta-IV planet are considered one of the sexiest races in the galaxy. Deltan possess some telepathic abilities – for example, they can relieve pain. This is the race of creators, teachers, scientists and engineers.


If the ancestors of the earthlings were monkeys, then the inhabitants of the planet tellus descended from creatures similar to pigs. Telearites have a building similar to the human, but more hair on the body, more red skin due to high blood pressure, acute hearing and developed night vision. These gambling disputes are ready to conduct a verbal battle to the last, which makes telaritis good diplomats in cases where we must give weighty and convincing arguments. In addition, telelarites are excellent engineers, scientists and farmers.


Reasonable creatures with silicone basis. They feed on metals, for the processing of which strong acid is released, while they can “taste” determine the composition of the eaten metal.

Quadrant delta

Traveling along the quadrant of the delta, you can stumble upon many reasonable races, but the likelihood that they will stumble upon you, much higher. Who will stumble? Of course, cybernetic wanderers with a collective mind.


► Queen of the Borgs.

The indigenous humanoids of the Delta quadrant were originally organic creatures, but their development path led to universal cyberization. United by subspace and deprived of personal will, Borghi are a collective mind.

There are ordinary Borgi-workers, Borghi-warriors, Borgi-Technology-and there is a queen guiding the actions of other Borgs. Of course, the destruction of the queen disables the whole team of the Borgs. In some way, Borghi is immortal: if one of them dies, his memory will be preserved by the team.

This structure allows the Borgov community quickly and coordinated to respond to all external threats. Its disadvantages include the fact that with the transition of the Borgs to the cybernetic stage of development, they have lost the ability to study the outside world.

The team receives new knowledge and technology, assimilating other reasonable races. Borgi consider personal actions and thoughts by a manifestation of inferiority and weakness. They travel along the universe in starships – cubes or areas – looking for new civilizations to attach them to the team.

View 8472

One of the most unusual organic species ever met. Representatives of the type of 8472 arrived from where there are no stars or planets, only cosmic matter. They have a relatively humanoid structure – head, torso, limbs, mouth – however, they communicate only telepathically. They do not need metal or other substances – only a biomass. Therefore, individuals 8472 turn into primary biomass everything that they meet in their path.

Unfortunately for the Borgs, the type of 8472 has an effective and resistant biological system: any form of biological or technological invasion into their fabric will be immediately rejected and destroyed. Trying to capture the territory of the species 8472, the Cyberskalians received serious rebuff.


OKAMPA live only eight to ten years. They reach maturity a month after birth, but women of this race are capable of childbearing only once in a life, at the age of five to six years. Despite the external resemblance to people, OKAMPA is very far from us; Suffice it to say that they are marsupial. By the seventh year of the seventh life of Okamp, ​​they almost instantly aged and die, although individual representatives manage to survive up to fourteen to fifteen years. OKAMPA have extrasensory abilities, in particular, own telepathy.


Dominion originated in quadrant gamma thanks to the race of the founders. To protect themselves from aggression, they genetically changed some peoples, exacerbating their necessary qualities and introducing unlimited devotion to the creators.

Pretty soon the goals of the dominion turned into aggressive. For hundreds of years, the founders gained adjacent worlds by force and threats, until they became the main force of the quadrant. The opening of the portal between the alpha quadrants and the gamma was perceived by the leaders of the dominion as an encroachment on their territory. The founders began the war against the alpha quadrant, but the governments of the latter united and washed off the invaders into their native quadrant of space.


Metamorphs that can change not only the shape of their body, but also its volume, and take the appearance of any biological species and even an object. The founders need to go into liquid form every sixteen hours, otherwise they can be expected by painful destruction of the bimolecular structure and subsequent death. More experienced founders are able to maintain a firm state longer. They live for several hundred years, and this is probably not the limit.


Representatives of this mysterious race are packed in metal armor, supporting the frosty temperature of their native world. The physiology of Brinns is not known little, their four -dimensional brain, similar in structure to the brain of Ferengi, is not subject to telepathic effects. Although they breathe with a standard oxygen-ashetic atmosphere, there is no blood system in the body of the Brinnes.

Brinnes – highly developed technologically -based civilization. They joined the dominion to capture most of the alpha quadrant, including land and federation.


Nobody knows who the ancestors of the Vors lived and where the founders drew attention to them. Now the wings are completely artificial biological species, the fruit of a genetic experiment. They retained a division into two sexes, but they are able to multiply only with cloning. Vrota excellent diplomats, and it is they who negotiated with the federation on behalf of Dominion.


The descendants of the ancient humanoid race, subjected to active genetic intervention by the founders. In the consciousness of Jim-Hadar, unlimited devotion and blind obedience to the founders are invested. The race consists entirely of male representatives and is propagated by cloning. Clones reach maturity at the third day of life, when cybernetic devices implant it. Natural death occurs in about twenty earthly years. In addition to amazing physical endurance and incredible will to win, Jim-Khadar is distinguished by several more unique combat qualities.

Star Empires

Three warlike races – the Cardissants, Klingons and Romulans – created national star empires.


► Clingons in the Star Fleet.

Race from the planet Kronos, aggressive in nature. Clingons are excellently developed physically, their average growth is about two meters. The structure of the bodies is similar to human, but many vital organs are either doubled or developed more. Clingons have three lungs, two liver and four buds, the heart consists of five cameras, and the stomach is twice as much as human.

Honor and traditions play an important role in the life of any wedgeon. If the clinon feels that he is discouraged and cannot avenge his enemy, he will prefer to commit suicide so as not to live with shame. The courtesy and kindness of the Klingons are considered a manifestation of lack of will, never give up and do not bluff.

Klingon language is very simple. As linguists say, it consists of a verb, a noun and something else. This is something else-any part of the speech indicating the time, place, emotions. Suffixes are widely used, with the help of which complex words are formed. Words in Klinonsky are sharp and jerky, with a predominance of hissing and growling syllables, to match the aggressive nature of the clinings.


The race with the volcanoes of common ancestors and the similar structure of the body. The only external difference is the V-shaped bone growth on the forehead of Romulan. The empire has two capitals: twin planets Romulus and Rem. Romulus is inhabited by their native world during the time of Surak, the Vulcanians who preached wars and violence.

The Romulan Empire is somewhat inferior to the Federation and Klingons in technological development. Having met unexpected resistance in the person of the federation, the Romulans were forced to return to the boundaries of the home system. They repeatedly tried to resist the federations of the planets with cunning or force, but their attempts invariably suffered the collapse and over time came to naught.


Humanoids from cardassia-gram equally distinguish high intelligence and cruelty. Descendants of reptiles, they prefer a darker, hot and wet environment than people. Kardassians are famous for their visual memory and the rare ability to resist the Vulcan contact of the minds.

Once they were a peace-loving and spiritual people, but the devastation of the native planet and the complexity of survival pushed them to the aggressive military operations. Many prosperous planets were won by the Kardassian Empire. Uniting with the dominion, Kardassia hoped to become the greatest force in quadrant, but she was waiting for a crushing defeat.

Free worlds

And yet, the cosmos is too large for them to rule only one civilization. On the boundaries of the largest interplanetary states are enough space for free pirates and independent territories. Such, for https://sister-site.org/hopa/ example, is a neutral zone of organic between the Federation and the Empire of the Clingons.


Most of the time, these highly developed creatures are spent in the form of pure energy, although other forms can be taken. When the war of the Federation and Klingona came to the organic, its inhabitants forced the weapons of both sides to disappear, thereby forcing them to go to negotiations. As a result, a neutral zone was installed.


Humanoid race, very similar in structure to people, only their skin is of a different color: women have green, and men have orange. Their society is based on piracy and smuggling. Male Oriones are famous for exceptional cruelty. They sell everyone in a row, including their women, who are rightfully considered the most attractive in the galaxy.


Small spherical mammals covered with fur. It is difficult to call the race, but ignoring is simply impossible! Multiply at a frightening speed, especially if there is enough food. They purr if they are satisfied, and scresh when they are angry. They do not like clingons.


The race of symbionts. Thrilles themselves are small creatures similar to a snail. They penetrate the carrier body and justify there. Harshes have long been inhabited on the native planet of the Trillov and are very similar to people. They are also reasonable and are on a fairly high technical level – mainly thanks. The carrier, having received a symbiot of a trill, does not lose his personality. In their case, there is a complete merger of the minds: Trill increases the knowledge of the carrier, but does not overshadow it. Thrill carriers can be distinguished by characteristic spots on the face.


The main feature of Ferengi is a four -doped brain, the complex structure of which does not allow telepaths like betazoids to read their thoughts. The state of Ferengi is a debugged capitalist system, which is led by the Great Nagus, who oversees all business ventures and trade agreements. Women-conferences have much fewer rights than men. Ferengi are considered a neutral race that has never concluded unions with anyone. They grew their own fame with their evasion and resourcefulness.

El Aurian

Biologically, they almost do not differ from people, but have strong, albeit limited empathic abilities. El Aurian can feel space, streams and lines of time, distinguish the usual flow of time from temporal anomalies, and time flows with an alternative development of events. Even almost almighty Q were powerless in front of them. After the Borgi destroyed their native world, the surviving El Aurian scattered around the galaxy.

Kew (Q)

Living at once in several dimensions of creatures with unlimited possibilities. Are at the highest of the known levels of development. Kew can take any shape, and sometimes even manipulate space and time. It is believed that they can radiate energy and manage it. Kew's ability is the result of many millennia of directed development.

Kew live forever, but can interrupt their existence, abandoning the original form of life and moving to the mortal. Their Institute of Board is very specific, its goal is to restore order and look after those Kew who can cause trouble.

Kew does not cause direct harm to other species, although they can do it unintentionally. The reason may be their strange sense of humor, and enormous conceit, and an unshakable sense of superiority.

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A more complete list of reasonable races " Star Way "It would hardly fit even in a thick Talmud. And more than a dozen books would take a detailed description of them. But you should have enough of these data to establish friendly contact with aliens – both on their territory and on Earth.

Even more articles about "start -up" | The official website of the film

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